Looking for the perfect dance studio to start your little one's dance journey?? Or are you enrolled somewhere that isn't quite giving you everything you need and want in a dance school?...
That's where we come in!
Rosebourke Studios is a newly established dance studio in The Hills District offering a range of popular dance styles, perfect for dancers seeking both recreational and competitive classes. We offer classes in jazz, Glenn Wood Tap, RAD Ballet, urban hip-hop/breaking, lyrical/contemporary, JFH, acrobatics, technique and conditioning, combo-classes for our 3-5 year old dancers and private lessons!
Keep scrolling to read the TOP 5 REASONS why Rosebourke Studios is your next best decision!!

#1 - We are a brand new studio which means our vision for the studio is clear and we are hungry to achieve it!
Being new in the dance community is one of our biggest advantages because we have a burning passion in our hearts for what we know we can offer our current and future students. That passion is what fuelled us to bring a fresh, exciting and new perspective on what a dance studio SHOULD be for students and families and will be what continues to fuel us in the future.
Sometimes, studios who have been operating for many, many years can fall victim to losing the fire that led them to open their doors and therefore can affect the environment in which your child learns and thrives in.
This is definitely not always the case, but we've seen it happen all too often. We are proud to be newly established and truly believe in the vision we have for Rosebourke Studios and all of our students!
#2 Our studio is directed by one of Australia's most SUCCESSFUL All Star dancers!
Ever heard the expression "lead by example"?
It is one of the most important VALUES our team hold here at Rosebourke Studios which has influenced our careful selection in teaching staff.
Our director Miss Oliveah has won over 20 state and national championship titles in jazz, hip-hop and pom. She was a key member of Team Australia in 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2015 and returned home a 4x bronze medallist at the prestigious International Cheer Union & IASF Dance Worlds in Florida, USA as well as a champion at the China Cheerleading Association (CCA).
This success, expertise and knowledge matched with her effective, unique and engaging teaching style has seen her students thrive under her guidance, grow as technical dancers/disciplined people and enjoy over 50 first place titles at various competitions in Sydney.
Come and learn from teachers who know the industry and put leading by example at the forefront of their teaching values!

#3 - It's not just about the students. We care about the dance parents too!
"That's great, but what about me?" A question that all dance mums, dads, nans, pops, aunties, uncles etc are probably thinking but never ask!
We hear you and we appreciate you! After all, if it weren't for you, how would our dancers get to and from the studio?
While we value our teaching staff getting to know our dance families, the staff at Rosebourke Studios do not stop there. We pride ourselves on having a fantastic administrative staff member who spends her time at the studio on Saturdays checking in with our dance families and maintaining a relationship with students and parents who walk through our doors. Forming relationships is all part of building a strong community within our studio and there is nothing more satisfying than walking through studio doors knowing you are warmly welcomed!
We've also introduced a referral program for those valued families who share our studio on social media, leave us Google Reviews and refer friends to come and enrol with us. Benefits and incentives range from $10.00 - $100.00 studio vouchers, retail gift cards, free merchandise, savings on term fees and more! The more you spread the word, the more rewards you earn!!
Come and see our friendly team to find out how you can benefit from these offers.
#4 - Communication is paramount
The key to any smooth running business is effective communication and that is exactly what you will get at Rosebourke Studios. Our communication channels ensure all parents and families are given the information they need to stay in the loop all year round and that no enquiry goes unanswered! We have received so much positive feedback about how well the studio communicates with one and another and we don't intend to change that! We have a few other secret weapons that make our communication so effective... but you'll have to enrol to find out!
#5 - The Proof is in the Pudding
If the first four points don't have you enticed yet, #5 is sure to convince you that we are the REAL DEAL!!
We compiled a whole range of clips of our students in 2019 to showcase the phenomenal transformations we created and witnessed inside our studio. There were TOO MANY to feature so here are THE BEST OF 2019.
To find out how you can join our dance community and experience the Rosebourke difference in 2020, email us at info@rosebourkestudios.com.au or contact our director Oliveah on 0423 075 889. There is a place for EVERYONE!!